Access Free Greene County Warrant Search Tools (Arkansas)

Free Greene County Warrant Search
Find out if you or someone else has a warrant out for their arrest in Greene County, Arkansas, free of charge.

Run a free Greene County warrant search efficiently and effectively using the search tools linked throughout this streamlined resource.

The capacity to search for warrant records through public agencies is possible because of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act derived from the federal Freedom of Information (FOIA).

Warrant records can be sought from county and state agencies; these are often accessible for free, except in cases of record reproduction, where nominal fees may apply.

This article furnishes helpful resources — such as links, addresses, and contacts — to find wanted persons in Greene County, Arkansas.

Checking Free Warrant Information in Greene County Arkansas (A Brief Synopsis)

If someone is not looking up warrant information for themselves but for someone else, they will need to provide information to official agencies to search—the most important data they require is the last and first name of the subject of the search.

It is also critical to know which county issued the warrant and the residence of the subject of the record. Some public agencies will also need a date of birth (DOB) to find a wanted person.

Having supplementary information like the race and sex of the individual can make it easier to pinpoint the warrant record.

Public agencies must provide warrant information if requested due to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.1 The Clerk of Circuit Court and the Sheriff’s Office are the public agencies that are the custodians of warrant records and thus provide this information in Greene County.

Citizens who need to find out if they are wanted or someone can do so electronically, by mail, phone, or by visiting these public agencies. Sometimes, warrant records may be found in local jurisdictions such as city police departments.

In Greene County and Arkansas, several types of warrants include bench, arrest and body attachments writs (orders). These are delved into in the sections below.

Moreover, it should be stated that while warrants are considered public information, some types of summons may not be revealed to the public, particularly if they impede ongoing investigations. This is true for search warrants, which, if revealed, could alert the suspect, who may discard evidence.

How To Perform a Greene County Warrant Search

For citizens wanting to determine whether they or someone else has a warrant in the county, contacting either the Greene County Sheriff’s Office or the Circuit Clerk of Court are the best options. Patrons may obtain this information online, by mail, phone, or by visiting the public agency in person.

Obtain Warrant Records Through the Circuit Court: The Greene County Circuit Court is made up of civil, criminal, domestic relations, and juvenile courts— the Circuit Clerk of the Court is the custodian of documents that arise from each of these courts.2

The Circuit Court judges authorize and issue warrants, which are part of court records. Interested parties can view some court records from all Circuit Courts electronically and at no cost by using the Greene County Court Case Search Tool.

Arkansas’s Administrative Office of the Courts furnishes this searchable database and advises that it holds partial records from Greene County. Interested parties can search for records by party name, case type, date filed, etc. Make sure you select the Greenwood District under the “Location Code” drop-down menu to ensure you find records from the proper county.

Screenshot of the search results of a person name search from Arkansas Supreme Court, listing the ID numbers, names, case descriptions, party types, filing dates, and judges.
Source: Arkansas Supreme Court3

The information displayed on the record will include the case and warrant number, the reason for a warrant and the filing date.

Requesters can contact the Circuit Clerk for copies of warrant records if needed.4 They can do this by calling 870.239.6330. Costs for copies from the office are set at $0.20 per page and $1.00 per page for faxed records.

Citizens may contact the Circuit Clerk electronically for any additional queries they may have or to find records that may not be online. They may also visit the courthouse at the address below.

Greene County Courthouse
320 West Court Street
Paragould, Arkansas 72450


Find Warrant Records from the Sheriff’s Office: The Greene County Sheriff’s Office is the county’s primary law enforcement agency and serves warrants issued by the Circuit Court. The sheriff’s office avails a most wanted roster for free to the public that documents individuals with warrants for their arrest.5

The information on this list shows the following information on the subject:

  • Mugshot (Photograph)
  • Name of the Subject
  • Sex
  • Date of Birth (DOB)
  • Race
Screenshot of the details of a fugitive including their mugshot, full name, birthdate, sex, and race from the Greene County Sheriff's Office
Source: Greene County Sheriff’s Office6

In addition, citizens who need to verify if they or someone else has a warrant can call 870.239.6343 or visit the sheriff’s office at the address below. Requestors who have an outstanding or active warrant risk being taken into custody should they choose to make an in-person inquiry.

Greene County Sheriff’s Office
1809 North Rockingchair Road
Paragould, Arkansas 72450

Acquire Warrant Information via Local Jurisdictions: Citizens who need to find wanted persons can turn to local jurisdictions in the form of city police departments. There are 5 cities in Greene County; the three most populated are Paragould, Oak Grove Heights, and Marmaduke.

Oak Grove Heights does not have a police department, but citizens may contact the City of Marmaduke Police Department to inquire about wanted persons.

It is possible to obtain police reports from the Paragould City Police Department. The Paragould City Police Department does not provide a way for patrons to request records online, but citizens must visit the lobby of the police department during business hours. Each report costs $5.00, and requesters can pay via money order or check.

Paragould City Police Department
801 East Court Street
Paragould, Arkansas 72450


Should they choose to visit the sheriff’s office, the requester risks being placed into custody if they have active and outstanding warrants.

For citizens seeking more information on local offenses, sentencing details, crimes and more, the Greene County public information lookup steps outline the best method for finding various record types on anyone in the county.

How To Find Information on Anyone Who Has Been Issued a Warrant in Arkansas (Statewide Search)

Everyone has the option to expand their search to the state level by looking up all wanted individuals in Arkansas.

Interested parties can find individuals with warrants through CourtConnect furnished by the state’s judiciary; they can additionally locate offenders wanted by the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) after absconding their parole or probation. Citizens can also use a database provided by the ADC to find escapees.

As seen earlier, requesters may retrieve Circuit Court records from all counties using an online portal provided by the Arkansas Judiciary. This Arkansas Circuit Courts Case Search Tool is free to use and allows users to find warrant records using the name, case type (depending on the summon type), and by date filed. The process for using this tool appears above and more helpful information on CourtConnect can be reviewed as well.7

When offenders are under probation or parole, one of the conditions stipulated is that they must report to their supervision officers. Failure to do this implies they have absconded, and probation and parole warrants are issued against them.

The ADC provides a free Online Absconder Search Tool that users can utilize to find wanted offenders by county or perform a statewide search.8 The information displayed about the absconder includes:

  • PID Number
  • Mugshot (Photograph)
  • Name
  • Date of Birth (DOB)
  • Physical Descriptors (Sex, Height, Weight, Eye Color)
  • Parole/Probation Office
  • Parole/Probation Officer
  • County
  • Most Serious Offense
  • Absconded Date
Screenshot from Arkansas Department of Corrections displaying the details of an absconder including the mugshot, PID number, name, race, gender, eye and hair colors, weight, height, birth date, and parole information.
Source: Arkansas Department of Corrections9

Citizens with information on these wanted persons may contact the Department of Corrections at 501.618.8010 Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM or 501.686.9800 outside these hours. They may also call 911. Mail queries can be sent to the ADC address below.

Arkansas Department of Corrections
Division of Community Correction
1302 Pike Avenue, Suite B
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72114


Moreover, the ADC has an online list of prison escapees from state prisons. Data on offenders include the following:

  • Name
  • Photograph
  • ADC/SID Numbers
  • Offense
  • Race
  • Sex
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Age
  • Scars
  • Last Known Address

Information on these persons’ whereabouts can be reported to ADOC at 870.267.6209 or 870.267.6206 Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM or 870.267.6421 after hours. Citizens can alternatively call 911.

Different Warrant Types & the Reasons They’re Issued

As touched upon earlier, judges issue warrants for several reasons, including the order to have suspects taken into custody or search a premises. In Greene County and Arkansas, the most common and main types of warrants are arrest, bench and body attachments.

Warrants are outstanding and active until executed by taking someone into custody, searching a premises, or if the defendant resolves it through several ways, such as paying court fines. Judges can only issue warrants when they have received documentation showing probable cause since these orders will violate freedoms set forth by the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.10, 11

A writ of body attachment directs the U.S. Marshals or Sheriffs to bring in defendants who are found guilty of civil contempt and seize and hold the body pending further direction from the court.

Judges or magistrates issue arrest warrants for misdemeanor crimes and sometimes for felonies upon receipt of probable cause. These orders grant law enforcement officials the authority to take suspects into custody. A variant of the arrest subpoena is the bench warrant issued against individuals who do not appear for a mandatory court appearance.

Bench subpoenas are somewhat similar to an alias warrant or failure to appear writ, where the defendant fails to attend a court hearing before a plea is entered or does not respond to a citation either by mail or in person. Capias warrants are issued to convicted persons or those who have pleaded guilty and are subsequently fined or need to meet certain conditions—the writ is ordered against them when they fail in either of these obligations.

On the other hand, the courts issue civil capias warrants to persons who frequently do not comply with the orders set forth by the judge. Search warrants give authority to law enforcement officials to search through premises, things, or persons. The police may also confiscate any items of interest.

Probation and parole warrants are affiliated with offenders under community supervision. When probationers or parolees fail to report to the officers in charge of them or fail to meet their supervision conditions, they become absconders and warrants are issued against them. Citizens can find a list of Arkansas absconders provided by the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC).8, 12

Screenshot of the map search feature from Arkansas Department of Corrections for absconders with Greene county being highlighted by an arrow.
Source: Arkansas Department of Corrections8

It is also possible for the courts to issue traffic warrants to drivers who do not pay their fines or fail to appear in court for the same. Arkansas drivers can request a personal traffic violation report from the state’s official website.13 Parents who fail in their obligations to keep their child maintenance payments can receive child support warrants ordered against them.

Screenshot of the online request form for traffic violation report from Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, with fields for driver license number, birthdate, last five digits of the social security number, and type of report.
Source: Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration13

In addition, fugitive warrants are sent across state lines when a suspect is in Greene County or other counties in Arkansas. Lastly, Governor’s warrants allow law enforcement agencies to transport suspects back to the state where they allegedly committed a crime.

How To Handle an Active Warrant in Greene County Arkansas

Active and outstanding warrants that are not resolved may lead to the arrest of individuals who have received these orders. Therefore, it is imperative to take action to cure warrants through paying fines or contacting law enforcement officials to prevent the inconvenience of being taken into custody.

Many times, patrons may ascertain warrant information of someone else, be it family, friends or persons residing in the community. In the case of close acquaintances, it is best to inform them of warrants issued against them as it is not uncommon for persons to be unaware of writs against them.

If authorities want a dangerous criminal in the community, then citizens should take precautions and inform law enforcement agencies. They may do so anonymously by calling the Greene County Sheriff’s Office at 870.239.6343, calling 911 or visiting the office at the address below.

Greene County Sheriff’s Office
1809 North Rockingchair Road
Paragould, Arkansas 72450

Citizens may also contact the Arkansas Department of Corrections regarding parolees and probationers who have absconded and pose a danger to the community.14 They may call 501.618.8010 Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM or 501.686.9800 after hours.

To resolve a warrant in Greene County, citizens should enlist the services of legal counsel, particularly if wanted for serious crimes or the warrant has been outstanding (active) for a while. In the case of bench and alias warrants, contact the Greene County Circuit Clerk and make arrangements to schedule another court hearing.

Defendants should make an effort to pay any fines or amounts owed, as in the case of traffic child support and capias warrants. Patrons may pay outstanding traffic fines through eTraffic; and may make payment arrangements if unable to pay the full amount.

In some cases, particularly for serious crimes, the only way for defendants to resolve a warrant is by turning themselves in. In these scenarios, it is advisable to have a legal representative inform the family about the situation and contact a bond agent if bail is a viable option for release from custody.

This resource provides helpful resources to aid citizens in running a Greene County warrant search; find out if you or someone is wanted and take the steps necessary to resolve the legal predicament.


1Arkansas Department of Health. (n.d.). Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

2Greene County Courthouse. (n.d.). Circuit Clerk’s Office. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

3Arkansas Supreme Court. (n.d.). Person Name Or Business Name Search – Not an Official Document. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

4Greene County Courthouse. (n.d.). How Do I Get A Copy Of. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

5Greene County Sheriff’s Office. (n.d.). Most Wanted. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

6Greene County Sheriff’s Office. (n.d.). Wanted – Felony Revocation Of Probation. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

7Arkansas Supreme Court. (n.d.). AOC Public CourtConnect Help. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

8Arkansas Department Of Corrections. (2024, January 15). Absconder Search. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

9Arkansas Department Of Corrections. (2024, January 15). Absconder Details – Wanted Absconder. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

10Sachar, D. J. (2001). Overview of Arkansas Warrantless Search and Seizure Law. Bowen Law Repository: Scholarship & Archives. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

11Library of Congress. (n.d.). U.S. Constitution – Fourth Amendment. Constitution Annotated. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

12Arkansas Department of Corrections. (n.d.). ADC Mission, Vision, Core Values & Goals. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

13Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. (n.d.). Online Driver Record (Traffic Violation Report) Request System. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>

14Arkansas Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Department Directory. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from <>